Listing your Food Business
High market demand: With little time available to cook an elaborate meal, more and more people are choosing to eat out.

Highly Profitable
People are finding that spending the money to go eat is worth the time they save, especially with all the fast food places and healthy alternatives that are springing up.

How it works

Step 1
Signing up through our secure portal is quick and easy. In just a few simple steps, you’ll be part of the #1 destination for businesses and professionals looking to find new clients..
Step 2
Complete your business listing. Prospective clients will have all the information they need to feel comfortable choosing you.
Step 3
Here’s where the magic comes in. Our millions of visitors are actively searching for a business like yours at the exact time they're ready to hire you.

Benefits of a Food Business
Being a food business owner can be grueling work and involve considerable financial risk. But it can also be a profoundly satisfying and exciting way to make a living. Everybody eats, yet styles of foods are as varied as the ethnic diversity and individual personalities that people the planet.
Creativity and Passion
As a food business owner, you have the ability to create a menu and a dining experience that expresses your creativity and your passion. If you love working with food, then you will have ongoing opportunities to explore new ingredients and cuisines, create menu items, and tinker with them until you get them just right. The world of food is vast and complicated, and if you are curious and innovative, then you will never stop learning about ingredients and ways to use even familiar foods.
When you own a food business, you will never go hungry. You will always have food inventory available to feed yourself and your loved ones. You will most likely spend very little money on food outside of what you eat at your business. You will be able to take home leftovers, perfectly good food that the health department does not allow you to reheat and serve again.
A food business is a gathering place. If you create a space where people want to linger, then you will have a built-in group of people who want to enjoy who you are and what you do. Many successful food business owners owe their success to being gregarious individuals who connect warmly with customers. If you love having people around and making them feel welcome, then your food business will provide you with the emotional perk of creating and nurturing a community.
A food business owner has the ability and freedom to create a venue that reflects your values. If you care about vegan food or healthy food, your food business can be a way to show your friends and neighbors that the food choices you advocate can be appealing. Whether you choose to feature local or organic foods or well-crafted artisan food, your food business is an opportunity to encourage more people to eat in ways that are consistent with your values.
Lucrative Opportunities
With the high volume of traffic food businesses see in one day, there is opportunity for growth with a food business. You can start out with a very small staff and hire more employees as demand ramps up. As long as you pick a good location that is easily accessible and in close proximity to the workplace or popular retail outlets, food business can be highly rewarding financially.
Heads up, Biiz Hub also offers food deliveries for businesses that don’t have that service, please click here to find out more. We are trying to tackle the issue of unemployment in our community.